
Cerca nel blog

Metodo di Ricerca ed analisi adottato

Medoto di ricerca ed analisi adottato
Vds post in data 30 dicembre 2009 sul blog www.coltrinariatlanteamerica seguento il percorso:
Nota 1 - L'approccio concettuale alla ricerca. Il metodo adottato
Nota 2 - La parametrazione delle Capacità dello Stato
Nota 3 - Il Rapporto tra i fattori di squilibrio e le capacità delloStato
Nota 4 - Il Metodo di calcolo adottato

Per gli altri continenti si rifà riferimento al citato blog per la spiegazione del metodo di ricerca.

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

Ireland: 28 february 2014.

Speech by
Deputy Prime Minister and
Foreign Affairs Minister of Ireland
Ireland's economic recovery and
the 2014 EU agenda

Welcome and opening address 
Ettore Greco
Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali

Friday, 28 February 2014
10:45 - 12:00
Piazza Monte Citorio, 123/A
 - Rome

Working language: English

Only those registered will be able to enter

Ireland’s experience of recent years and emergence from its EU-IMF programme have been crucial turning points both for the country and for the Eurozone. Despite huge internal and external challenges, Ireland has managed to successfully exit its Programme, to return to growth and, crucially, to start creating jobs once again. These achievements have been hard won, at a high price. Ireland and the EU as a whole need to build upon this progress if the tentative recovery now underway is to be sustained. 2014 will be a critical year. 2014 will also see major institutional changes in the EU which will have implications for all Member States, not least Italy which assumes the Presidency in July. There are great opportunities for progress as Europe undergoes these changes but the right mix of wise policies and perseverance will be needed so that the EU and its Member States emerge stronger than before.
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) via A. Brunetti 9, I-00186 Roma

Tel.       +39 063224360 (Switchboard)
Fax      +39 063224363
Twitter  @iaionlie

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