Eight people were injured in a gas explosion at the
Bovanenkovo gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets region early this morning.
The accident happened when workers in a workshop for
gas treatment were adjusting equipment. An uncontrolled blast of gas partly
ruined the workshop and injured eight workers,Business TASS reports. An investigation group from Gazprom is on its
way to the site.
Bovanenkovo holds 4,9 trillion cubic meter of gas and is the biggest gas field in the Yamal Peninsula. The field is in
its final stage of preparation before launch. According to Gazprom, the first
startup complex of the field has entered the final stage of pre-commission
work. At the same time, the first string of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta pipeline,
which will bring the gas towards western markets, is in the process of being
completed. Only small parts of welding remains on the 1240 km long pipeline,
and testing is in the progress,BarentsObserver reported earlier. (Barents Observer march 12,2013)
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